The Daylesford Community Brass Band and U3A Hepburn Shire will present an evening of English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh music based on the BBC’s popular annual Proms celebrations on Saturday 30 April  in the Daylesford Town Hall.

Entertainment will include  traditional songs, pipers and dancers.

There will be raffle prizes galore and prizes for best decorated table, best cake or dessert and for best male and female costumes. Revellers are asked to celebrate the country of their choice with a themed table setting, food and costumes.

This is a self catering dinner. Bring Your Own food, drinks, cutlery and crockery. Make up a table of ten or join a table and make new friends.

Cost  is $20 per person. The evening starts at 6.30 for 7.00 and ends at 10.30pm.

Bookings are essential. Contact Monica Cole on 0425 851 679 or email

The proceed will go towards purchasing new instruments for the Band.