Last week we ran a story on a free firewood trial. Unfortunately the lockdown put an end to that for the moment. But it is still planned.
Council intends to provide split and cut firewood for free to ratepayers and residents over the coming months as part of the storm clean-up effort.
Free firewood will be popular. It can cost around $150 a metre for reasonable quality wood. Many residents cut their own wood in the surrounding forest when the firewood season is open.
It will be a challenge to sort out how distribution of free firewood will work.
A trial will commence as soon as restrictions allow. The am is to roll out the program more broadly once systems are in place.
There is plenty of wood. But it will take a while to dry -at least 12 months. So you will need a place to store the wood while it dries.
Council aims to provide up to 2 cubic metres to residents or ratepayers. The stockpile of wood will continue to grow over the coming weeks and months as more wood is processed.
The distribution plan is being finalised and there should be more details available in September. Details will be available on Facebook and keep an eye on Council’s firewood webpage.
Many will be looking forward to the end of the lockdown, not the least so they can get hold of some free firewood!