At their September meeting, Council adopted its Annual Report 2023/24. The report provides an overview of highlights, achievements and challenges for the past financial year.

The 2023/2024 Finance Carry Forward Report and the Annual Financial Statements and Performance Statements 2023/2024 were also adopted ‘in-principle’ at the Council meeting, and will be signed following final audit clearance.

Bradley Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, said that the Annual Report provides the community with a summary of Council performance and financial data for the 2023/24 financial year.

“Our Annual Report provides an overview of how we have performed against our Council Plan objectives, and details performance against the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework.”

“In 2023/2024 we have delivered almost $18 million worth of projects as part of our annual capital works program. Over the last four financial years we have invested nearly $51 million in capital projects with over $21 million in government grants. We have invested $16 million into roads, footpaths and drainage assets, and more than $18 million in property, plant and equipment. Recreation, leisure and open space assets received an investment of $15 million,” said Mr Thomas.

Some significant Council achievements for 2023-24 include the completion of The Mechanics Trentham, the roll-out of the food and garden organics service, the near completion of 32 kilometres of trails at Djuwang Baring (Creswick Trails), adoption of five township structure plans and a rural strategy as part of the Future Hepburn project, and the adoption of Councils Financial Vision to put in steps to improve Councils financial sustainability.

“In addition to the big projects mentioned in the report, we have a team of dedicated staff that provide many business-as-usual services to our community.  These include building and maintaining roads and footpaths, collecting waste and recycling, maintaining and beautifying our numerous parks and open spaces, and providing library services, youth programs, and positive ageing initiatives,” said Mr Thomas.

The 2023/24 Annual Report is available on the Council website.

This article is based on a media release from Hepburn Shire Council.