A serious accident at Wills Square near the corner of Camp St and Howe St, Daylesford, caused traffic disruptions earlier this week but did not result in serious injury. A pedestrian island in the middle of Howe St was badly damaged in the accident.
The accident occurred just over a year after the tragic Royal Hotel accident that killed five people and injured five more just 300m down the same road.
The intersection is a complex junction of four roads: Howe St, Raglan St, Jamieson St and Camp St. The main thoroughfare (Howe St to Raglan St) is part of the Midland Highway. Visibility at the intersection is particularly poor for drivers making their way out of Camp St because the bend in the road and nearby buildings can obscure their view.
Traffic is always heavy along that section of the Midland Highway. The Draft Structure Plan for Daylesford and Hepburn Springs notes that Howe St carries 1,200 trucks each day in addition to other vehicular traffic.
Heavy traffic in the area will only increase when the Middleton Field development is complete.
The Draft Structure Plan acknowledges the difficulty of diverting traffic. Topography and residential areas make it very difficult to establish an alternative traffic routes. The report notes that the only other viable solution is to better manage the road environment to keep traffic speeds down.
A better traffic management strategy is urgently needed for the intersection.
Correction: An earlier version of this article referred to Duke St instead of Camp St in part of the article.