Council is investigating key areas that directly influence the health and wellbeing of its residents.

These include the four focus areas of the current Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan: tackling climate change and its impacts on health; increasing healthy eating; improving mental wellbeing and prevention of all forms of violence.

The current Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan was developed in conjunction with community and stakeholders, including data analysis with the Victorian State Government.

The results of the current survey, together with data and evidence from stakeholders, will provide the foundation for Council to develop the next Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, to be finalised after the next Council elections in October 2024.

Mayor, Cr Brian Hood, said that Council is committed to maintaining best practice strategies on health and wellbeing for our Shire.

‘We have worked with Central Highlands Rural Health and the Grampians Public Health Unit to design the questionnaire. It covers areas such as general lifestyle, physical and mental health, nutrition, access to health services, community safety and climate action. It also calls for ideas on opportunities to improve services and programs,’ said Cr Hood.

The survey is confidential and anonymous. The survey closes on 17 June 2024 and is open to all residents of the Hepburn Shire.

Residents can complete the survey on the Particiate hepburn website:

This article is based on a media release from Hepburn Shire Council.