Recent summers have been very mild and the fire danger has been considerably lower than the summers leading up to Black Summer in 2019-2020. Today is the first Total Fire Ban Day of this summer in Central District and the importance of bushfire preparation has been brought back into focus.

CFA West Region is running a series of community engagement events to prepare locals for a potential bushfire impacting their community.

Fire Safety Essentials Street Meetings cover the local bushfire risk, the meaning of the new Fire Danger Ratings, how warnings are delivered and how you and your family can survive a bushfire?

Hypothetical Bushfire Scenarios involve participating in a hypothetical bushfire situation set in the township of “Seraphine”. Participants are given roles and locations and asked to respond. Through role-playing, individuals learn how to respond better in an emergency.

Hypothetical Bushfire Scenarios have been scheduled for

  • Ballan: Wednesday February 22 at 7pm in the Ballan Fire Station
  • Daylesford: Friday, Feb 24 at 7pm in the Daylesford Fire Station
  • Mollonghip: Saturday, March 25 at 4pm in the Mollongghip Hall

Fire Safety Essentials Street meetings have been scheduled for:

  • Eganstown: Thursday, February 23 at 7pm, Eganstown War Memorial
  • Denver: Sunday February 26 at 11am, Corner Dickersons Lane/Mains Rd and Daylesford Malmsbury Rd, Denver.

You can register for these free events through the CFA West Region – Community Engagement Facebook page.