Frank Page
Daylesford’s Christ Church Anglican Parish launched its Ukraine Appeal in late April 2022 and has raised close to $800. These funds have been remitted to the Anglican Diocese of Europe who are managing this appeal and the distribution of aid.
We are very grateful to the wider Daylesford community who have also supported our appeal. The Anglican Diocese in Europe have raised more than $A600,000 for Ukraine. This fund raising has come from Anglican Churches in England, the US, Japan, Bangladesh and Australia.
Some of the refugee support provided through these funds have included
- help with accommodation and transport in Warsaw, Poland,
- establishment of a Day Centre in Budapest, Hungary,
- provision of a Hostel in Budapest, Hungary,
- provision of a Community Centre in Helsinki, Finland,
- provision of food and shelter in Riga, Latvia, and
- funds to the Anglican Parish of Christ Church in Kyiv, Ukraine.
New projects are being developed including with the Lutheran World Federation and Caritas.
The Anglican Parish of Christ Church in Kyiv, Ukraine, has been an obvious concern for our parish. Christina Laschenko, Church Warden, wrote on Friday June 3, the 100th day of Russia’s attack on Ukraine:
“People in Kyiv do their best to live normal lives: they gather friends to celebrate birthday parties, go to the Opera House, attend museums with new exhibitions, and volunteer day and night for the needs of the army and internally displaced people. And, of course, people call to God. Religious life in war-torn Kyiv is quite intense. People are resolute to overcome any obstacles to get to places of worship to pray together for the lives of Ukrainian people, for the success of the Ukrainian Army, for the victory of Ukraine. We encourage you to join us in the prayer for restoration of peaceful life in Ukraine. We want to rebuild the houses, to plant gardens, to raise children and to overcome the wounds of war through the joy of new life.”
Christina’s words and the daily reporting of the ongoing war have encouraged us to continue our Ukraine appeal and to continue to hold the people of Ukraine in our prayers and thoughts.
Offerings can be made directly by a special box in the Church or funds can be donated by funds transfer to the Christ Church bank account (Account name: Anglican Parish of Daylesford; BSB: 633 000; Account: 165242702; Reference: Ukraine Appeal).