If you live in metropolitan Melbourne but have a property in Hepburn Shire and you need to prepare for the flood and fire season, you will need to apply to travel to the Shire for the sole purpose of preparing your property.
You can apply for a Travel Exemption by completing a form on the Shire website. Information provided may be shared with Victoria Police and other agencies as required under the current restrictions. If approved, you will be provided with a letter allowing you to travel to your property for the sole reason that you indicated in the form.
Shire officers are prioritising these exemptions and will process applications as quickly as possible. Under the Victorian Roadmap, travel restrictions are projected to ease on Friday November 5 and you would be able to travel to your property without restriction. Applications received on or after that date will only be processed if the State Government does not ease restrictions as expected.
Please visit www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/emergencies-and-coronavirus-covid-19 for more information about travel restrictions and what you can and cannot do with regars to visiting your property in regional Victoria.