Jules McDonald

Thank you to members of this wonderful community for your enthusiastic response to the news that cinema is returning to Daylesford, upstairs in the iconic Rex building. The response on both Facebook and the Daylesford Community Grapevine was huge with so many heart-warming messages and lots of offers of help to make it happen. Thank you one and all. We are in process of following up the many offers and channelling them in various directions according to interests and skills. More offers are always welcome as there are many tasks to complete!

It is now time to call on all cinema lovers to dig deep and contribute financially. We have just launched our Go Fund Me campaign and are very much hoping that you will be keen to support us financially. All contributions big or small are most welcome. Simply go to:  https://gofund.me/73e585b0   and follow the prompts.

Your financial assistance will enable us to get underway with creating an art deco interior to be proud of, a welcoming entrance with attractive lighting, carpeting, comfortable seats, state of the art cinema equipment, well equipped café/bar and ticketing area as well as assisting us through the establishment phase.

We envisage our community run cinema being a wonderful space for locals to congregate and socialize as well as providing much needed night time, weekend and holiday activity for tourists to enjoy. Involvement in all aspects of both creating and operating the cinema, bar and café will provide great opportunities for people of all ages to socialize, learn new skills and engage in meaningful activity whilst making an important contribution to this community.

As well as providing a variety of film genres, the cinema will host locally made movies/documentaries, musical events, stand up comedy and small theatrical productions. As the Town Hall will be closed for approximately 2 years, we see possibilities for the cinema to meet a variety of community needs in addition to its core business.

For those who have queries about fundraising and the Go Fund Me campaign , Jenny Beacham, Daylesford Cinema Group Treasurer is available on 0427 512 159

For further information contact Jules McDonald on 0400 455 993 or email julesmcd11k@gmail.com.

Jules McDonald is the President of the Daylesford Cinema.