Nikki Marshall
A Hepburn Shire Future Forum, organised by local community members, was held last Sunday, August 4th, at Radius Gallery in Hepburn Springs. Conversations were opened up, ideas were seeded, and actions were proposed via lightning talks designed to help shape the future of our Shire.
These brief talks presented ways forward for the immediate and longer term of our Shire 4, 40 and 400 years in the future. Local thinkers and activists shared their visions and strategies around the themes of Climate (Taryn Lane- Hepburn Energy), Environment (David Holmgren- Holmgren Design), Liveability and Affordable Housing (Karl Fitzgerald- Grounded), and Governance (Tammi Jonas- local farmer and Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance). Lucy Richards (social entrepreneur for future generations) commented on each of the lightning talks from the perspectives and needs of young people.
These talks were provocateurs to people’s thinking, action and agency. They also provided inspiration, identified flaws in existing policies and processes, and highlighted tangible ways forward.
With local government elections coming up in October this year, the Future Forum also heard from Cr Jen Bray about the realities of being a councillor and suggestions for effective community engagement. Cr Tim Drylie spoke about the challenges, responsibilities and satisfactions of being a councillor, the candidate process. Cr Drylie encouraged others in attendance to consider standing in the 2024 elections. Participants were made aware of the limited time available to recruit candidates, volunteers and voters before the October elections.
These talks were followed by hearty discussions amongst participants, well facilitated by local resident, Peter O’Mara. Some themes emerging included the high turn-over of staff within the Shire, the extensive use of consultants without local knowledge, and the wealth of skills amongst our local residents which could be drawn upon for the benefit of our community and shire. In addition, the end of the ward system poses new challenges and/or threats including potential lack of representation and local knowledge for sections of the shire, especially small hamlets.
The Future Forum was organised by some original members of Community Voice, formed during the campaign for the 2020 local government election. Interest and enthusiasm from those attending the Future Forum has seeded a new community group: The People’s Consultancy – Hepburn.
Over the next few months until the October local government elections, we hope to publish the lightening talks as well as reflections by some of our sitting councillors. The People’s Consultancy – Hepburn welcomes all locals keen to increase participatory democracy within our Shire. We need your voice, your participation and your passion.
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