Local community group, Resourceful Hepburn, recently ran a survey on waste management in the Shire. The results are in.
102 people completed the survey. Resourceful Hepburn have started posting results, one question at a time, on their Facebook page.
They report they have some great insights and plenty of community interest about improving how we reuse, repair, repurpose and recycle. Also, many fantastic ideas about how to go about it.
Overall Resourceful Hepburn says respondents indicated they rated the council’s performance in various resource recovery categories poorly.
Survey respondents said a community resource recovery enterprise in Hepburn Shire would be an improvement compared with the current situation.
The results also showed that the areas of reuse and repair would be the most beneficial categories of reform for the community to prioritise.
Resourceful Hepburn became an Incorporated Association on 4 August 2021, and they thank Hepburn Wind for helping them with this through a $500 sponsorship. They plan to conduct their first public meeting soon.