Dear Editor,
On many occasions in our local history our community has stood up to protect our natural mineral water springs. We know that the mineral springs are a key part of our identity. Much of our local economy and employment is generated through tourist businesses, infrastructure and employment.
Recently the Federal, State and Local Government demonstrated their commitment to our mineral springs network and invested in major upgrades at Central Springs, State and Local Government completed development of Deep Spring.
Over the past century and a half there has been large investment by all levels of government across the many mineral springs and reserves. Our community has made significant contributions to the springs; lobbying for protection, fundraising for improvements, promotion through brochures, maps, tours and editorials.
A devastating event in early 1900s that ceased the flow of mineral spring at Hepburn Springs demonstrated the vital role the springs played within our community. Mining in an area cut through the spring flow and caused a major decline in the local economy for more than four years.
Several expert geologists expressed contrary views but the locals were quite right when they first expressed concern for any mining in the area where mineral water was flowing underground.
In the 1920s another attempt was made to open a mine between Daylesford and Hepburn Springs. The Minister for Mines was confronted with protest. The community reminded the Minister about the other Daylesford mine, by which they meant the mineral water that provided so much benefit for the community.
The story was repeated again in 1940s. There was another major protest in the 1990s and 2000s. And here we are again in 2024.
All water resources need careful management. Our weather is all over the place. We need to guard this vital element of life.
We are asking you to help, to urge the State Government to protect the mineral water and its aquifer which starts deep underground along the Great Dividing Range and flows northwards towards the Loddon and across the Central Highlands.
A major step in that protection will come from finally having all the new national parks and regional parks proclaimed urgently. This will prevent any new mining from impacting our mineral water and give greater emphasis on all groundwater. The groundwater is the major input into our creeks and rivers across our farming areas and the region.
Please write or email the Premier, Jacinta Allan, Environment & Tourism Minister Steve Dimopoulos and Member for Macedon, Mary-Anne Thomas.
Urge them to legislate the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council’s recommended central west national parks – the Wombat-Lerderderg National Park, the Mount Buangor National Park, the Pyrenees National Park and the other reserves including the additions to the Hepburn Regional Park – as soon as possible. Urge them to withdraw the remaining current mining exploration licences immediately. This will protect our natural mineral spring resource into the future and finalise a lasting legacy for future generations.
Gary Lawrence,
Don’t Undermine Daylesford