Dear Editor,
In the 6th September edition of the WP there was a long article dedicated to Hepburn Shire’s financial problems titled “Council Needs to Face its Financial Problems“. This article alerted readers to the 10th September Special Meeting of Council at which council was to deliberate on the long term “Financial Vision”.
I was surprised that in the latest edition of TWP (13 Sept) there wasn’t any report/article provided on the outcome of this 10th September Special Meeting. This was an extremely important meeting at which all Councillors voted in favour to apply to the Essential Services Commission (ESC) for a 10% rate rise. The motion was moved by Cr. Hewitt and seconded by Cr. Henderson.
This proposed 10% rate rise is extremely worrying. If by some chance it is approved by the ESC it’s impact on the community should not be underestimated. It will push many people further to the edge. Anxiety is mounting even at the thought.
In Council’s application to the ESC it will need to demonstrate “… how the views of ratepayers and the community have been considered in proposing this higher rate” (from ESC website). So how will Council demonstrate this – as even the results of their flawed survey reveal that a majority did not agree to any where near a 10% rise.
It is hoped that the WP in a forthcoming edition will provide a detailed report/article on the outcome of the 10th September Special Meeting and the serious implications for the ratepayers and residents of Daylesford and beyond.
Heather Mutimer
Editor’s Note: An article on the Special Council Meeting to consider the Financial Vision is included in this week’s issue of The Wombat Post.