DNC Committee of Management
DNC is led by a Committee of Management, currently eight volunteer members, made up of interested and skilled community people. We are always looking for new members to join our committee.
Here is a ‘potted’ bio of each of our current Committee:
Hal Swerissen. Hal is our Chairman. He is a long-time resident of Daylesford. Hal has a professional background in health. He is emeritus professor of public health at La Trobe University.
Wendy Berry. Wendy went to school at Daylesford Tech High, then in 1975 headed to Melbourne for 42 years before returning to Daylesford. She worked with SMEs through to large Corporates, as well as Government-funded programmes through RTOs.
Darren Manning. Darren was born at Daylesford Hospital, grew up, worked and volunteered in the area, including being a current CFA volunteer. He is a member of the Council disability advisory committee, pushing accessibility for everyone in our community.
Arthur Papapostalou. Arthur has lived in the area for 20 years running an accommodation business on the edge of Hepburn. He has a long-standing interest in community development and has worked professionally in aged care, and as a youth and development worker.
Natasha Hall. Natasha has been visiting the region for the past 35 years as her parents lived here and her father continues to. After living abroad for 25 years she returned to live in Daylesford 7 years ago. She is an active community member. She is still working in hospitality and as a disability carer and a mobile food business owner. However, she still finds time to dedicate to what’s important for her and her community.
Dudley McArdle. Dudley and his wife Cheryl moved to Daylesford three years ago from Melbourne suburbia. Dudley has retired after several careers as a high school teacher, a RAAF officer, an emergency manager at State, Federal and International levels, a University lecturer and a sole-trader consultant.
Lynda Poke. Lynda is a Glenlyon local for the last 20 years. She has successfully owned, led and managed numerous businesses and organisations across the health and medical, higher education and research, responsible investment, business consulting and accounting, and women’s human rights sectors.
Jim Foster. Jim has lived in Daylesford since 2006. He is currently a director of 5 Pty Ltd companies, and has a long history in the private sector. He is actively involved in a broad range of community activities and is the Founder and Secretary of the Daylesford Foundation.
Paul Dowler. Paul has solid tax and business experience with small to medium-sized businesses in various fields. He graduated from the University of Ballarat with a Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Management and has much experience with business valuations and due diligence assignments.
If you come across any of our COM members in your daily rounds, ask them about their role at DNC. Who knows, you may be tempted to join this happy band and become a COM member, or at least a volunteer member of DNC.
DNC Annual General Meeting
And this may be the opportunity to join us!! The DNC AGM will be held at the Centre at 6.00pm on 26 April 2023. Put it in your calendar. Please join us. A guest speaker will be announced soon, and light refreshments will be served. More details to follow.
Come along and hear how the DNC provides invaluable service to the Daylesford community.
DNC Joke of the Week
Two guys are out hunting in the bush when one of them collapses. He doesn’t appear to be breathing, his eyes are glazed over. The other man pulls out his phone with trembling fingers and calls 000. He gasps “My friend is dead! What can I do?” The operator says “Please stay calm. I will help you. First of all, let’s make sure he’s dead.” There’s a silence, then a gunshot. The guy gets back on the phone and says “OK, now what?!
[If you’ve got a better joke, send it to admin@dncentre.org.au and we’ll publish it. (Remember, this is a family publication! ?). We’ll even include your name if you wish – or you can protect your anonymity!]