Cr Brian Hood
Key outcomes from the 16th July Council meeting were the adoption of Council’s first Rainbow Action Plan and revised policies covering privacy, expenses and resources and public interest disclosures. An updated charter for the Audit & Risk Committee was also adopted.
The Rainbow Action Plan re-commits Council to achieving equality for LGBTIQA+ people by working to end LGBTIQA+ discrimination and by affirming and defending the fundamental human rights of LGBTIQA+ people. Hepburn Shire Council is one of only 18 local government authorities in Victoria to adopt an LGBTIQA+ Action Plan and it is further evidence of our role as a leader in gender equality and equity and promoting respect and safety in our community. The Plan is available on Council’s website.
Recently I was very pleased to participate in the launch of ‘Giving Voice – Ageing in a rural community’ a new sustainable, community-based model for healthy ageing in place. A collaboration between Central Highlands Rural Health, Clunes Neighbourhood House and Attitude ageing well in Clunes will trial a new approach to improving older people’s physical and psychological well-being. Congratulations to all involved in yet another wonderful example of teamwork.
Council is aware of the decision by the producers of The Block to choose Daylesford for filming of the 2025 season, at the corner of Raglan Street and the Midland Highway in Daylesford. As is the case in all planning permits Council will monitor compliance with conditions addressing landscaping, construction, stormwater and environmentally sustainable design. In this case matters such as traffic management will also be an important consideration.
It is anticipated that the production will generate a welcome boost for the local economy.
Councillors and officers are working through the vast number of submissions received on the draft town structure plans and rural strategy. An unprecedented number of submissions were received – in excess of 400 – with 34 public and stakeholder meetings held, 32,000 views of site pages and 16,000 letters sent to residents. It is very pleasing that community engagement and involvement has been so comprehensive on what is undoubtedly critically important work. Councillors will consider the revised documents separately in early September at a Special Meeting, deciding whether to adopt or amend the revised plans.
I wish to emphasise that, should the plans be endorsed, this will not result in an automatic change in planning provisions in the Shire. For any changes to planning provisions to occur the successful completion of a planning scheme amendment process must take place. This is a separate and lengthy statutory process involving further, formal community consultation. Community and stakeholders will have their say once again, and the ability to express their views before an independent panel appointed by the Minister for Planning. Council will also be required to make a number of future decisions at certain key milestones during the planning scheme amendment process.
Similarly, the consultation and engagement process on the development of a long-term financial plan (LTFP) has attracted over 300 submissions. We are very appreciative of the community’s efforts to have their say on this critically important matter. Councillors will consider the adoption of a LTFP at another Special Meeting in early September.
The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) will conduct elections for all 79 Councils across Victoria on the 26th October 2024. Information on voting, the changed electoral structure for Hepburn Shire, candidacy and other matters is available on Council’s website here Local Government election Hepburn Shire Council and the VEC website.
Cr Brian Hood is the elected Councillor for Coliban Ward and is currently the Mayor of Hepburn Shire.
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