At a Directions Hearing held by the Liquor Licensing Commission on April 12th, the Commissioner decided that another Directions Hearing would be conducted on 27th June. He asked original objectors and interested parties who challenged the decision approving the liquor licence to submit further evidence particularly focused on the likely impact on the community in terms of harm and community health. Documentation, including a list of proposed witnesses, needs to be submitted by May 24 in order to meet the Commission’s requirements.
There were over 200 objectors to the original Liquor Licence application indicating that there is substantial community concern about another liquor outlet in the community.
A meeting was held on Wednesday May 3rd at the Daylesford Town Hall, facilitated by Michelle Stephenson and Basil Eliades, to consider a presentation to the Liquor Commission. The group identified five main areas that needed to be addressed including amenity, community impact, lived experience of the adverse social effects of alcohol, schools and planning.
Working groups are gathering information, identifying potential witnesses and documenting information to support their case to the Liquor Commission. If you have an interest in assisting a working group, information that you think may be helpful or would simply like to add your name as an interested party, contact Michelle Stephenson at
Hepburn Shire Council submitted an objection to the original application and will also make a presentation opposing the decision at the Commission hearing.
Meanwhile, demolition and site preparation works are continuing at the site on the corner of Central Springs Rd and Bridport St, Daylesford.
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