Events have been suspended at the Daylesford Speedway pending an investigation by Speedway Australia into the death of Stephen Douglas during an race at the venue on February 11.
Victoria Police are also investigating the death which occurred when Mr Douglas’ vehicle overturned after hitting a wall during an event and was hit by another vehicle. Police are preparing a report of the coroner.
Speedway Australia is the peak body for speedway racing in Australia. They issue licences for drivers and events.
Hepburn Shire Council recently renewed the speedway lease to the Daylesford Speedway Drivers Association (DSDA) despite considerable objection from the local community because of noise, location and environmental impact. A condition of the lease is that any events at the venue are licensed by Speedway Australia.
Shire CEO, Bradley Thomas said, “Until the investigation is concluded, Speedway Australia will not issue any further on-track permits to the Daylesford Speedway Drivers Association Inc. This means the club is currently unable to meet its obligations under the track lease arrangements and cannot conduct racing at the Basin Reserve at this time.
“As part of its review, Speedway Australia is assessing risk and safety elements of conducting racing at the Basin Reserve speedway track. Details of improvements required at the track, if any, will be included in Speedway Australia’s review.”
A statement on the Daylesford Speedway Facebook page erroneously stated that the decision to withdraw race meetings was made by Council. The decision was made by Speedway Australia. The DSDA is unable to meet its obligations under the lease agreement with Council.
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