Using mathematics creatively to understand and solve problems, and to communicate and discuss ideas, is an essential part of life.
Learning math concepts and strategies is an active process that involves moving, touching, seeing, hearing, noticing, thinking, imagining, describing, discussing, representing, investigating and reflecting. This means that teachers need tools to create mathematics classrooms that are engaging and dynamic places filled with activity and discussion about the maths that students are using and learning.
Long time Hepburn resident, Associate Professor Ann Gervasoni, in collaboration with Dr James Russo has launched a new ABC Education feature to develop mathematical skills in primary students.
ABC Education’s GOAT Maths games are a fun collection of teaching tools designed to engage students and help teach important mathematics concepts. The antics of the goats in GOAT Maths provide contexts to promote engagement, problem-solving and learning.
A screen grab from one of the GOAT maths activities.
Ann Gervasoni is an Associate Professor at Monash University who specialises in Numeracy. She worked in primary schools for 13 years as a classroom teacher and administrator before completing a PhD on enhancing learning for children who are vulnerable in learning mathematics. Dr James Russo is a Senior Lecturer who works with Prof Gervasoni in School of Curriculum Teaching & Inclusive Education at Monash.