Indre Kisonas

We find ourselves at the end of another year. How did the year pass so quickly? Is it really age related when we feel each year moves faster and faster? I have been intentional since lockdown, not to clutter my life with “I should do this” and “I better attend to that” and “I am tired but…”. Still the time flies.

I found this end of the year, a time of reflection. Not just for what have I achieved, or how I played the last 12 months, but have I valued my time, my family and my friends? It is during times of crisis that we discover that there is nothing more important than those we love and cherish, past and present.

We are moulded by our past and since Christmas is a time for family and tradition, I was again reflecting on the things that bring value to my every day. My worthless treasures. Worthless to anybody else but me. My half set of crockery that was once my paternal Grandmother’s good set, is what I reach for every day. Every day I will remember her and thank her for the reminder. If this part-set was taken to be sold, I wouldn’t get a dollar for it because its value is not monetary. It is emotional and only to me.

I was told of a Christmas past when a young sporty boy found Santa had gifted him a Sherrin.” It was the smell of it I will never forget”, he fondly recalled. To this day, the new football leather smell will take him back to the pure delight he’d felt at that Christmas past.

“Crochet needles that were my grandmothers” said a friend who was passing time. I use them knowing they are worn in places by her hands. In turn she uses them to crochet stuffed toys. To make others happy. A worthless treasure producing more treasures.

“I want you to take all the amber when I die, as I know you will treasure it as I do, and as your ancestors did who came before you”, said my dear ol’ Dad. This time I could agree with my dear ol’ Dad. Amber is indeed a family treasure as it was a reminder of homeland and a time of successfully escaping war. A shared treasure and one I would hope my kids will keep treasuring.

My gift to you for this coming New Year is that you reflect on your own treasure. It may be inconsequential, a little bit tatty or faded or even long gone like the Sherrin but know that it will bring you memories and hopefully joy, every time it comes to mind.

Indre Kisonas is a Daylesford resident and the owner and principal designer of iok design. She specialises in colour & interior design.