The Victorian Government is supporting Hepburn and Macedon Ranges Shires to prepare for and adapt to the impacts of climate change with the development of a new community-led adaptation strategy.

Hepburn Shire Council and Hepburn Wind will receive $22,500 to leverage and expand on the Hepburn Z-NET model. Hepburn is the first Shire in Australia to adopt a zero-net emission goal with a strategy to develop an approach to climate change that is place-based and locally appropriate. The Hepburn model will offer a model for other regional local government areas.

The Z-Net project is one of five on-ground community-led projects that will commence this financial year. Other local projects include:

  • Trentham Food Hub Feasibility Study (Trentham Sustainability Group)
  • Climate Ready Radio Broadcasting (Central Victorian Community Radio)
  • Off-grid Relief and Recovery Centres Feasibility Study and Business Case (Macedon Ranges Shire Council)
  • Elphinstone Resilient Landscape (Elphinstone Landcare)

Member for Macedon, Mary-Anne Thomas said the Grampians Region Climate Adaptation Strategy is one of six being delivered across Victoria and will provide practical ways for local communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change through on-ground action.

Themes across all six strategies include preparing for and recovering from emergencies, caring for the natural environment, improving health and wellbeing, strengthening the economy and workforce, improving resilience of our built environment, and embracing renewable energy.

Local communities have developed and will lead the implementation of this five-year strategy, ensuring that priorities for action in the face of a changing climate reflect the unique story of the region.

The development of this strategy was funded by the Victorian Government’s $9.32 million Supporting our Regions to Adapt program through the Sustainability Fund. It builds on other Victorian Government climate change investments, including a $1.6 billion clean energy package, $100 million towards zero emissions vehicles and $92 million for land restoration and carbon farming to help build the state’s resistance to climate change.