Words in Winter is an annual regional festival of words and ideas, that brings warmth and solace to the Daylesford and Hepburn community during the unforgiving, cold month of August.
This year the festival will be held on the second weekend in August, from Friday 25 August to Sunday 27 August 2023.
Festival organisers are inviting community members who wish to organise a session for the festival to share their ideas. If you would like to plan a 45 minute session for the festival, fill in an on-line form and pitch your idea to the festival organisers.
The deadline for submissions is 12 May 2023. Due to the limited number of places available over the festival weekend, organisers cannot guarantee that all applications will be accepted. Applicants will be notified by the end of May about whether their application has been successful. If your application for a session is successful, it will be included in the program and all of the Words in Winter marketing activities.