Cornish Hill is a Crown Land reserve in the heart of Daylesford named after the Cornish miners whose mining expertise was crucial to extracting gold from the deep quartz reefs under the hill.

However, mining operations left the hill derelict and denuded. Exotic invasive weed species soon became extablished making reclamation and regeneration a challenging and lengthy process.

Friends of Cornish Hill (FoCH) is a small group of people who want this piece of bush habitat to be enjoyed by all and have worked hard to restore it. Thanks to their work, Cornish Hill is a haven for wildlife as well as a community asset to be discovered and enjoyed by all. Over many years they have planted natives which have mostly survived but the weeds have persisted and compete with the plantings.

With the onset of winter now upon us, this may well be your last chance to come to help FoCH Whack a Weed and save a tree.

A working bee will be held on Sunday, June 19 from 10:00 am until noon. If the weather is wet, the working bee may be cancelled but if it’s simply cold, the Friends will soldier on!

Park at the end of Stanley st and walk down the hill to the picnic table. Bring gloves and seceteurs.

The Friends very much appreciate the help they had from the community at their last working bee and thank those who came along.

For further info contact Jan on 0412499872.