Neighbourhood Houses Victoria Data and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
The Annual Report of Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (the peak body to which DNC belongs) highlights how the work of Neighbourhood Houses contributes towards progressing the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It demonstrates that local community development work has a global impact – everything we do is part of a bigger picture!
To find out more about the SDGs, visit
Neighbourhood Houses Victoria is the peak body for the Neighbourhood House sector, representing a membership of over 400 independent, community-based organisations across Victoria.
154,876 Victorians visit a Neighbourhood House in an average week.
The NHV reports that neighbourhood houses (including DNC) bring:
- $746m million dollars in value to Victorian communities
- 400,000 sessions of activities and programs run
- 26,700 hours of volunteer work providing financial value of $59.7m
- 5,500 employees in the workforce
- Programs such as the Power Saving Bonus; Safe Seats, Safe Kids; Free Legal Service; No-Interest Loans.
DNC looks forward to continuing our involvement in the great community work done by all Community Houses across Victoria in 2024.
DNC Joke of the Week
Two cops are sitting in their car outside of a local bar. They are waiting to see if anyone would drive home drunk. A guy stumbles out, obviously drunk out of his mind. He falls down flat on his face.
Five bar patrons leave the bar. The cops don’t care about the other patrons, they are just waiting for the drunk to start up his car. He falls again on his face.
Five more patrons leave the bar. The drunk stumbles to his car door and opens it up and sits inside.
Six patrons leave the bar. Finally, the drunk starts up his car but before he could move the cops are on him sticking a breathalyser in his face.
He takes the test and passes with blood alcohol level of 0.00. The cops are very annoyed and asked him what the hell he was doing.
The drunk replies, “I’m the designated decoy.”
[If you’ve got a better joke, (and doesn’t everyone??) send it to and we’ll publish it. (Remember, this is a family publication! ?). We’ll even include your name if you wish – or you can protect your anonymity!]