Coats, Coats, Coats
In last week’s Wombat Post, we announced our new initiative of providing warm coats for those in need.
The recent cold weather has obviously triggered a significant need! Our coat rack in the porch outside the Court House has seen a huge traffic in coats – in and out!
We are very grateful to those generous people who have donated their surplus coats (and beanies and scarves) by the dozen. They come in all sizes, shapes, colours and textures as you can see by our photo. Adults, children and in-betweens have been catered for.
Just as quickly as they are placed on the rack, they are ‘adopted’ by those in need. This offering fits nicely with the users of our shower and laundry facility.
If you have warm clothing that you no longer need, join the generous people who have already contributed and please drop them off. You will earn the gratitude of those who are struggling to keep warm in these cold and difficult times.
There Are Still Vacancies for Two Free Courses
Computers for the Terrified
This 10 weeks free course is designed to help learners understand the basics of various areas of technology, including different digital devices, their functionality and the ways people can use these devices to connect with others and access services over the Internet.
The course will be tailored to individual needs, so don’t be terrified of the classroom format. We are here to make sure you are comfortable to learn! It will teach you how to create a Facebook account, set up an email address, surf the internet safely, create a MyGov account and link services, set up a Services Victoria account, and taking, sending, downloading photos on your phone.
Where: DNC, 10 Camp St., Daylesford
When: Tuesday, 13 AUG, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (10 Weeks)
Who: Our Tutor, Ed Butler, has 20+ years’ experience as a local teacher. He hopes to improve the digital literacy of our less technical community members over this 10-week course.
Introduction To Disability and Aged Care
This fee-free course will cover the care needs of older people and people with disabilities; the human rights of people with disabilities and support needs; and work roles and skills required to support people to live independently. It will also cover funding, organisation and regulation of aged care and disability services.
Where: DNC, 10 Camp St., Daylesford
When: Thursday, 8 AUG, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (4 Weeks)
Who: Our Tutor, Hal Swerisson, has experience running disability programs for adults and children. He is experienced in teaching, developing and evaluating programs for older people and people with disabilities.
DNC Joke of the Week
An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any recent interest in his paintings, which happened to be on display.
“I have good news and bad news,” the gallery owner replied. “The good news is that a gentleman inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death.”
“What did you say?” questioned the artist.
“When I told him it would, he bought all 15 of your paintings.”
“That’s wonderful!” the artist exclaimed. “What’s the bad news?”
“The gentleman was your doctor.”
[If you’ve got a better joke, (and doesn’t everyone??) send it to and we’ll publish it. (Remember, this is a family publication! 😊). We’ll even include your name if you wish – or you can protect your anonymity!]