Victor Szwed
Rainfall for October totalled just over 100mm after the thunder storms last Thursday evening brought rain and lightening that we had not seen for a while. The total was well above the monthly average of 78.7mm. So far in 2021 we have had more than 868mm rainfall compared to the long-term average of 767.3mm. And November has started wet with 46,, in my gauge on Wednesday.

But the locals know where to go. This nice Rainbow Trout was caught by a local at Lake Daylesford.
Were the storms a precursor of summer weather to come? Spring and summer rainfall is predicted to be wetter than normal. The Bureau of Meteorology advises that a La Nina alert continues with a 70% chance of wetter conditions for most of the eastern half of Australia.
Some warmer spring weather arrived this week and we had a top of 25 degrees on Cup Day in Daylesford and Hepburn. November to February maximum temperatures for Central Victoria are expected to be close to normal, however, nights are expected to be warmer than average. Over recent summers evening temperatures often haven’t dropped as early and as much.
It’s been great weather for fishing in the reservoirs and lakes in our region (even if last Wednesday was nice weather for ducks!) Our Visitor Information Centre has information for visiting anglers including Lake Daylesford, Jubilee Lake, Newlyn Reservoir, Wombat Dam, Hepburn Lagoon and others. Most are also nice for walks and picnics.
The good rainfall over the past two years has seen water supply reservoirs across Australia increase steadily. The 306 storages across Australia are now around 70 per cent full, 16% higher than at this time last year.
Melbourne’s water supplies are just over 87% full compared to 75% this time last year. Stream flows continue to be good. Higher rainfall results in stronger growth of grasses and other fire risk materials. Hopefully, the expected continuing rainfall will dampen fire risks.
Victor Szwed is a resident of Daylesford and a regular columnist for The Wombat Post.