The new speed signs are now up on the Daylesford to Malmsbury Rd. Speed limits have been changed to 80 km in the most built up and dangerous part of the road from Daylesford through Denver. From there the 100 km zones recommence.
This follows a sustained campaign by a number of concerned local residents, who live on or nearby the road. .
Crashes happen often . The Glenlyon CFA, local police and emergency services regularly attend serious accidents. The CFA has bought E-flares so they can more safely attend motor vehicle accidents – particularly at night.
A number of people have been injured or killed. Four people have died in the past eight years and several others, including local residents, have long term disabilities, including being wheelchair bound. Cooper’s Corner and the Spring Hill turn off are particularly dangerous.
Residents report frequent frightening experiences while taking evasive action as heavy vehicles bear down on them at 100 km per hour around obstructed bends when they try to go in or out of their driveways in the Glenlyon, Denver area. Others have pointed out the dangers of negotiating intersections in this stretch of road.
A local campaign to reduce the risks and dangers has been ongoing over an extended period of time. The campaign has included door knocking, letterboxing, letters and online reporting of unsafe conditions to Regional Roads Victoria, leading to a review of the speed limits. The Review concluded speed limits should be reduced.
In coming to its decision Regional Roads Victoria indicated that ‘as demand for living in rural environs increases, so have the challenges on how we can maintain our roads and provide safe environments for those travelling, as well as managing the interactions with wildlife on our roadways. We are always looking for ways that we can improve safety on our roads’.
In response, some have argued the changes to the speed limits are an unnecessary imposition and that crashes have nothing to do with speed – only bad driving. However, organisations like the RACV are clear that speed reductions on risky roads save lives. In practice, the changes to the speed limits only add about 3 minutes to the journey from Daylesford to Malmsbury.
The local campaigners have been pleased with the outcome, although they would like more to be done. Speed reductions are seen as a good first step. They argue verges should be cleared of obstructions and the road should be upgraded. There are also concerns that the road is not suitable for the volume of heavy vehicle traffic on it. They continue to work to improve the safety of the road.