Gen K Workshops
We are looking for 10 Hepburn Shire residents aged 65+ for Generational Kindness (Gen K) workshops.
Gen K brings older and younger people together to explore ageism and deliver simple acts of kindness for people doing it tough in the local community. Workshops include:
- Kindness for self: 8 workshops for older people only (2 hours each) to explore ageism and prepare for the intergenerational workshops
- Kindness for others: 4 intergenerational workshops (4 hours each) exploring ageism with younger people and undertaking a simple act of kindness for a person doing it tough in the local community.
The workshops will take place between September– November 2023 at the Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre.
About Celebrate Ageing
The workshops are hosted by Celebrate Ageing Ltd, a not for profit organisation combatting ageism and building respect for older people – in partnership with Elder Rights Advocacy Victoria and are supported by the Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre.
The workshops will be facilitated by Dr Catherine Barrett and co-facilitated by Max Primmer, as part of his Fellowship with the Elder Leadership Academy. For more information call Catherine on 0429 582 237 or email
Six Peaks Speak: Unsettling changes in southern Dja Dja Wurrung Country
You are invited to a free community presentation in Daylesford on Friday evening 29 September from 8.00-10.00pm by Professor Barry Golding AM, State Library Victoria Fellow, 2023
When: 29 Sept 8.00-10.00pm
Where: Daylesford Neighborhood Centre, 13 Camp Street (‘Paddock Room’)
NOTE: Pre-registration is no longer necessary. Just turn up if interested!
The presentation by Barry Golding, assisted by Clive Willman (Castlemaine) will highlight some of the emerging findings from Barry Golding’s State Library Victoria 2023 Regional Fellowship titled ‘Six Peaks Speak: Unsettling Changes in southern Dja Dja Wurrung Country’.
Barry Golding is researching and writing a book about six local mountains in southern Dja Dja Wurrung Country as part of the SLV Fellowship. The six peaks are today known as Mounts Kooroocheang, Beckworth, Greenock, Tarrengower, Alexander & Franklin.
The community presentation will focus on some lesser known, emerging findings about unsettling changes across 185 years to the three peaks within the Hepburn Shire: Gurutjanga (Mount Kooroocheang), Lalkambuk (Mount Franklin) and Nyaninuk (Mount Beckworth). The event is organized in association with the Great Dividing Trail Association (GDTA).
Barry Golding acknowledges State Library Victoria (SLV) and Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation for their support for this 2023 Fellowship
DNC Joke of the Week
Me: What’s the wifi password?
Bartender: You need to buy a drink first.
Me: Okay, I’ll have a coke.
Bartender: Is Pepsi okay?
Me: Sure. How much is that?
Bartender: $3.
Me: There you go. So what’s the wifi password?
Bartender: You need to buy a drink first. No spaces, all lowercase.
[If you’ve got a better joke, (and doesn’t everyone??) send it to and we’ll publish it. (Remember, this is a family publication! ?). We’ll even include your name if you wish – or you can protect your anonymity!]