Professor Paula Gerber, a leading expert in International Human Rights Law, will be the specal guest speaker at the Shire’s International Women’s Day event at the Town Hall on March 8.
Professor Gerber worked as a lawyer for 25 years including five years in London and five years in California. She moved from private practice into academia in 2000, beginning her academic career at the University of Melbourne before moving to Monash University in late 2004. She specialises in the rather disparate fields of Construction Law and International Human Rights Law. She has been a positive role model for women working in the male-dominated field of construction.
She has been the catalyst for the advancement of women studying and working in the construction industry, establishing the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) in Australia in 1995 and developing Australia’s first specialist tertiary education course in construction law in 2000. In 2009, she was appointed to the Board of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission.
Professor Gerber’s current focus is on children’s rights and the rights of LGBTIQA+ people.
Local students from around the Shire will also perform on the night.
Since 2005, Hepburn Shire Council has held an annual event to celebrate International Women’s Day and to induct new members to the Heather Mutimer Honour Roll. The honour roll was established to pay tribute to women in the Shire whose contributions, courage and example have led to significant social change for women. There are currently 66 local women who have been inducted into the Honour Roll.
“This is a popular event and I encourage everyone in the community to come along, meet our new inductees and celebrate past inductees,” said Mayor, Cr Brian Hood. “This evening is an opportnity to acknowledge and celebrate the many women who have made a difference in our Shire.”
The event will start at 6:00 pm at the Town Hall in Daylesford. Entry is free but you should book throug or at a Council Customer Service Office for catering purposes.
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