New Community Garden in the Making!

Diana Martinez hard a work filling the new raised garden beds at the DNC. (Photo suplied)
Late last week, DNC had some lovely seedlings donated to us. With a bit of lateral thinking (and because we had nowhere for them), we put a call-out for some raised garden bed-frames. Wishful thinking, right? Within 10minutes of the call-out, Kristy Smith had responded and offered to deliver them to us the very next day. We received two garden bed frames that we could put to use! Suddenly, a “Community Garden” project is born!
Monday this week, saw our lovely Volunteer, Diana Martinez, slaving away after a delivery of soil/compost was delivered to us. Diana is planting up our seedlings and hopefully soon we will have some produce we can offer to our community.
The saying “From Little Things, Big Things Grow” certainly rings true here.
Thanks L.P. for the seedlings and thank you Kristy Smith for the garden frames. Everything is being put to good use.
But we need some help!
Now we just need to relocate one of our taps so we can water the beds more easily. If there is a plumber person reading this who might like to help out, please contact the Interim Coordinator at DNC on 5348 3569 or at . She’d love to hear from someone who might be able to assist!
DNC Joke of the Week (inspired by the guest speaker at the Wombat Post AGM – Cameron Stewart)
A sixth-grade teacher asks her class how many were Trump fans.
Despite them not knowing what a Trump fan was but wanting to be liked by the teacher, they all raised their hands. Well, all except for little Timmy.
The teacher looks over to little Timmy and asks “Timmy, why are you being different again?”
He says “Well, because I’m not a Trump fan.”
“Why aren’t you a Trump fan?”
“Because I’m a Democrat.”
The teacher sniffs and says “Oh really? Why are you a Democrat?”
He responds “Well, my Mom is a Democrat, my Dad is a Democrat, so I’m a Democrat.”
She then says “Oh really? Then what if your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you?”
Little Timmy smiles and says “A Trump fan.”