Victor Szwed
October’s rainfall in parts of Daylesford has exceeded the highest monthly October reading since records began in 1867. The previous record of 258mm was set in 1975. While 226.5mm was recorded on the Bureau of Meteorology web site for October 2022, a number locals have reported well in excess of that, with some reporting over 300mm.
The Bureau web site shows that the highest daily rainfall on the 12th into the 13th was 85.8mm, exceeding the previous October daily record of 63.5mm.
The annual rainfall mean for Daylesford is 867.9mm. According to the Bureau’s web site 1,015.7mm had been recorded to the end of October this year. The highest annual rainfall on record is 1,321.5mm in 1973. The continuing impacts of La Nina and other weather patterns indicate that we may get close to that record. Many of us are hoping we do not and that we start to get some mild, sunny spring weather soon. The flood affected areas and most farmers would greatly appreciate it if the rain eases in the near future
The forecast for the coming week is for mostly dry conditions, warming up each day to reach 24 degrees by Wednesday. It looks like we will get some nice spring weather finally- a good time to do some gardening and planting spring and summer crops. Getting rid of the prolific weed growth will be a challenge.
Unfortunately, the Bureau anticipates that higher than average rainfall is likely for most of eastern Australia over the coming three months, particularly in November.
Daytime temperatures are expected to be cooler than normal with overnight temperatures warmer than normal. It should be safe now to plant tomatoes and other frost sensitive plants.
Our regional water reservoirs have been full and overflowing for some time. Melbourne’s were 97.1 per cent full on November 1st compared to 87.4 per cent a year ago and they are continuing to rise. The Thompson Dam which is four times as large as Cardinia, the second largest dam, is 100 per cent full for the first time in many years. The Cardinia and Upper Yarra (third largest) dams range from 92 to 96 per cent.
Victor Szwed is a Daylesford resident who contributes a regular weather update to The Wombat Post.