Hepburn Shire signs up to save energy bills through renewables.

Hepburn Shire is one of 46 Victorian councils to sign on to VECO, the Victorian Energy Collaboration, the largest ever emissions reduction project by local government in Australia.

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VECO, led by Darebin City Council in Melbourne’s north, will provide 45 per cent of all Victorian Councils’ electricity requirements with 100 per cent renewables, reducing greenhouse emissions by 260,000 tonnes of C02-e every year.

Provided by Red Energy, the 240GWh of clean power is equivalent to powering 48,000 homes with renewables or removing the emissions from 90,000 cars every year.

Initiated by and facilitated with the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances, VECO recognises the benefits of renewable energy for the environment and the economy.

The ground-breaking project will reduce each of the council’s current energy bills and reduce electricity prices by using clean renewable energy generated right here in Victoria.

VECO is expected to save councils up to 35 per cent on their electricity bills, based on current costs. By joining the project, Hepburn Shire will power 60 per cent of its total energy use with 100 per cent renewables, including streetlights, libraries and community buildings. Council is looking to source its remaining electricity load from other renewable energy suppliers.

Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt, said Hepburn Shire is pleased to be a part of this state-wide project.

“Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and prior to that and since then has been leading the way with initiatives such as the Z-NET Hepburn Community Transition Plan, Solar Savers, Hepburn Solar Bulk Buy, Major Road Lighting upgrades, our first electric vehicle and charging station, and other key actions identified in the Towards Zero Emissions Roadmap,” said Cr Hewitt.