Grant Writing Help Needed

Are you someone who is familiar with the grant writing process? Do you know how to find grants? Do you relish the idea of applying for funds for a not-for-profit organization?

Would you like to help DNC in applying for funding? Do you have some time to spare to help on a voluntary basis?

There are so many things we’d like to do for the community, but we have so little time and so little funding.  If you answer yes to any (or all) of these questions, we’d love to chat with you.  Your assistance could be carried out in-person or on a work-from-home basis.

It wouldn’t be a huge time commitment, so if you’d like to know more, please contact us.

Email us at or call 5348 3569.

Climate Emotions and Adaptation – A Community Workshop

As the climate warms, people in rural and regional areas are the most vulnerable to bushfires, floods and storms.  Should we move to the city to be safer or stay in the place we love and adapt our behaviour and attitude?

Climate change can incite anger, grief, dread and despair, but it can also foster gratitude, optimism and a sense of hope.  Without understanding the emotions behind our choices and actions, we can become chaotic and reactionary.  In a time when cooperation is needed, unidentified emotions can also lead to conflict and division.  On the other hand, only talking about the problems is not the answer.  We need to balance our inner emotional reality with outer-world practical concerns.

This workshop will be in two parts.  The first half will focus on our emotional response to climate change through a supportive sharing circle.  The second half will focus on our practical response at a personal or local community level.  Maximum number of participants is 12, so book early.

The workshop will be facillitated by Wolf Born who has worked in mental health and disability for over twenty years as a counsellor, facilitator and manager.  He is trained as a “Climate Café facilitator by Psychology for Safe Climate, an organisation focused on the emotional aspects of climate change.  He has been a landowner and resident in the Hepburn Shire for 25 years.

When:  Sunday 30 March 09.00am – 12.30pm.
Where:  Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre.
Cost:  Free or by donation.
Inquiries and bookings: contact Wolf by Email: or Phone:  0439 353 931

DNC Jokes of the Day

How do trees get on the Internet? They log in.
What do computers like to eat? Chips.
What do you call a space magician? A flying sorcerer.
What is a computer’s first sign of old age? Loss of memory.
What does a baby computer call his father? Instead of Da-da it says “Da-ta.”