Daylesford Preschool will get nearly $3000 in funding from the Victorian Government for new equipment to provide more inclusive learning and play for three-year-old children.

The Victorian Government is making sure kindergartens across the state are inclusive for children of all abilities by upgrading early childhood education centres and buying specialist equipment to help support learning outcomes.

Member for Macedon, Mary-Anne Thomas, today announced a $12,894 of Building Blocks Inclusion Grants for kindergartens across Macedon Ranges communities to upgrade their kindergarten or buy specialist equipment.

The latest round of Building Blocks Inclusion Grants is worth almost $2.4 million across the state supporting 242 kindergartens to upgrade their facilities or purchase equipment to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment for children of all needs and abilities.

Upgrades include infrastructure in playgrounds to make kinder activities more accessible as well as moveable inclusive education equipment like mobility stools and sensory equipment to support learning programs. The purchase of a change table for Daylesford will ensure safe practices for staff to include children still in nappies into the program.

Building Blocks Grants is a streamlined overarching funding scheme that supports early childhood providers with new and existing infrastructure and facilities for eligible three and four-year-old kindergarten services.

In an Australian-first, the Government is investing almost $5 billion this decade to provide three-year-old children with access to an additional year of funded kindergarten programs.

From 2022, three-year-old children across the state will have access to at least five hours of kindergarten. Services will then scale up their hours to reach the full 15-hour program by 2029.

As part of the Three-Year-Old Kindergarten roll-out, the Victorian Budget 2021/22 has invested $1.68 billion to build and expand kindergarten facilities across the state over this decade.