The extent of storm damage to Council roads will delay repairs because Council is unable to cope with the extent of the damage. Council has activated the force majeure clause in the Road Management Plan which means that they are unable to meet the specified response times for road repairs stated in the plan.

The recent weather events have created significant damage to local roads in the Shire and across the state.

Activating the force majeure clause means that road authorities cannot usually be held responsible for vehicle damage resulting from road conditions. For example, the RMP identifies the maximum response time for repair of potholes in excess of 300mm diameter or 75mm depth as two weeks for sealed roads classified as Link or Collector roads and four weeks for Local Access roads. Activation of the force majeure clause means that Council is not bound by those maximum response times.

Council officers and contractors are addressing high-risk locations as a first priority with other officers inspecting and prioritising works for the remainder of the road network.

Arterial roads are managed by Regional Roads Victoria. Link and feeder roads are managed by Council. Council has responsibility for 1,400km of roads across the Shire. The force majeure clause applies only to Council roads. A list of Council roads can be found in the Hepburn Shire Road Register.

Motorists are advised to drive with caution and follow warning signs along the roads.

The force majeure will be in place until Friday 16 December and will be monitored regularly to determine if this can be brought forward or requires extension.

To report damage to roads please raise an online service request. If the damage relates to State Government roads you can report it via their website.