Words in Winter at Yandoit Cultural
Join us for another afternoon of stories, songs, poetry and history by and for locals, as part of the annual Words in Winter Festival. This year’s theme is ‘Around the Hearth’– that place where we gather in the winter.
This is an Open Mic session and all are welcome to share, and to listen to, stories songs and poems around the hearth. Open Mic is a way to celebrate and to learn more about the wealth of story-telling and musical talent in this beautiful part of central Victoria.
The Open Mic will be followed by afternoon tea.
For more information, contact Nikki on mobile 0432 232 073 or email – ycfcpg@gmail.com
When: Sunday August 27, 2.00pm
Where: Yandoit Cultural- the old church in the bush, Uniting Church Rd, (off High St) Yandoit
Entry by donation.