Singers Wanted
Singers Wanted
for a new Daylesford Choral Group
Can you sing in tune, hold a part and blend with others?
We are inviting singers who love to sing beautiful harmonies.
Rehearsals: Fortnightly on Mondays during term time. Time: 5.30-7.00pm
Venue: Senior Citizens’ Room, Daylesford Town hall
Music: Modern, traditional, folk, world music, etc. (a cappella and accompanied)
Reading music would be an advantage but not essential if you learn quickly by ear.
Cost: $10 weekly
New members have a two -week trial, then pay balance of term fees and
U3A membership ($40 per year).
Music Director: Julian Cairns
Start Date: 7 February 2022
All singers need to be at least double vaccinated against COVID.
If interested, please contact Rosemary 0407 332 725 or Email: