
Mar 15 2025


10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Keeping invasive Holly out of the Wombat Forest; Bullarto South Field Day Saturday 15 March 2025

The Holly Task Force, an alliance of Landcare and other community groups, has organized a field day to explain to landholders around the forest how to most effectively control Holly.

Holly has been gradually spreading from historic individual trees planted in gardens as far back as the nineteenth century. Its march has increased in pace during the La Nina years and holly is now found infesting gullies deep into the forest along the Lerderderg and Werribee rivers and their tributaries.

Presenters will discuss holly biology as well as mechanical control and the effective use of herbicides.

The field day is of particular benefit to landholders in the Werribee/Lerderderg River catchment; Lloyd Stanway will discuss the eligibility criteria for Melbourne Water’s Livable Communities Livable Waterways program: Lloyd will give examples of successful partnerships with landholders in the program.

Registration is essential via the QR in the flier.


Arie Baelde on behalf of The Holly Taskforce