Hepburn Matters Variety Evening

Jules McDonald

Hepburn Matters Inc. is hosting a variety evening, “From Debacles to Action”, where many possibilities will be presented enabling us to dream up a future worthy of our community and the people who visit us. A presentation on Citizenship and Democracy will provide a startling comparison on the way things could be done and the way things have been done over many years by our Council. Information will also be provided about the way some of our community owned properties have been disposed. Hepburn Matters will give a progress report on our petition to Council to favourably consider bids to purchase the Rex that include provisions for community use of the building, especially a cinema, and to ensure the heritage of the building is protected.

Several dilemmas will be highlighted, and ways forward discussed.

Our MC extraordinaire, Aurora Kurth, a highly sought-after entertainer, renowned for her sublime vocals, cheeky comedy and sharp wit, will introduce presentations with a relevant song assisted by local songsters, musicians and choirs.  With a career in the performing arts spanning over two decades, Aurora is a critically acclaimed singer, actress, comedienne and Mistress of Ceremonies that has captivated audiences across Australia, including Chillout Festival audiences in Daylesford.

We will then Make Merry with Christmas fare including finger food, shortbread, mince pies, white Christmas slice, washed down with mulled wine or tea/coffee.

All welcome, please tell your friends, tune up your vocal cords and join in the fun at 7.00 pm on

Tuesday 6th December at the Radius Room, Hepburn Springs at 7pm.

This is a free event. To assist with catering please book through Eventbrite.

Jules McDonald is a local resident and the President of  Hepburn Matters Inc.


Dec 06 2022


7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
QR Code