Cornish Hill Working Bee

Working bee on Cornish Hill – all welcome ! Meet at the picnic table below end of Stanley St. Snacks and cuppas and chats provided.

The Friends of Cornish Hill volunteers hold a 2 hour working bee 2nd Sunday of every month. Thru the winter months we plant natives and build things like the new bridges you see through the reserve along Smiths Creek. In the Summer months we weed the tree guards and do some brush cutting of the grass along the tracks. Other times volunteers are working in the background trying to find grant money for projects like the recent clearing by contractor of the gorse on the hillside.

Do come and join us, for one or any working bees. Everyone is welcome, we need more volunteers and we have fun while we do what we can to maintain this sweet fairy land in the reserve. If weekdays suit you better, we can get together then too.

Call or text Kath on 0405 097 424 for more information.


Feb 10 2025


10:00 am - 12:00 pm


COrnish hill
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