Peter and Margie McConvill

Each and every day we are bombarded with messages promising new diet plans, encouraging us to keep fit and to look younger. What these advertisers are really exploiting is the biggest fear for most of us – the fear of ageing, dying and of death itself.

Our fears often arise when we don’t understand something. And the greatest unknown of all is surely death, mainly because we now live in such a death-denying culture.

Over the last hundred years or so, we have outsourced death care to a well-meaning yet increasingly corporatised funeral industry. As a society, we have unintentionally yet gradually lost many opportunities to gain a higher level of acceptance and comfort with the loss of a loved one.

To quote the advice of a local leader in the education of so-called death literacy, “Do not turn away from the fact of death, but together make gentle its effect.” Another appropriate quote is simply “Be prepared!”

With this in mind, you are invited to a casual, light hearted and non-intimidating community forum to increase your knowledge – and thus decrease your fear – of death, whether it’s your own, or maybe that of your loved ones.

Providing the answers that you are dying to know to the big existential questions will be two Hepburn locals who are utterly passionate about easing a burden, a worry that we cannot escape facing. Peter McConvill is a respected civil celebrant who has recently trained as a funeral director. Margie McConvill is a much-admired Aromatherapist and Reflexologist and also a fully qualified End Of Life Doula.

It’s all happening at Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre (13 Camp Street, Daylesford) between 2pm and 4pm on Tuesday 8 August, which just happens to be ‘Dying To Know’ Day! This event is free of charge and includes a delicious afternoon tea. For catering purposes, please reserve your spot by calling the Neighbourhood Centre on 5348 3569 or email

Looking forward to seeing you there!