A serious accident occurred at the Daylesford Speedway on Sunday February 9.

CFA volunteers and Ambulance Victoria officers attended the accident to extract an injured driver from the wreckage. The driver was trapped in his vehicle with suspected spinal injuries for a considerable time.

The injured driver was evacuated to hospital by medivac helicopter at about 6:30 pm.

The race meeting was only the second event held at the venue since the death of Stephen Douglas at a race meeting in February 2023.

The Coroner’s report of the fatality has not been published but was made available to Council. A council officer has stated that the report did not make any safety recommendations and concluded that the death was the result of an accident which occurred in an inherently dangerous recreational activity despite having appropriate safety measures in place.

Coroner’s reports are only published when an inquest is held and recommendations have been made or a Coroner orders they be published.

The Speedway is used by the Daylesford Speedway Drivers Association (DSDA) under a lease agreement with Council. Sean Ludeke, Acting Director Infrastructure and Delivery, confirmed that the DSDA has submitted the necessary documents required under the Lease, including a detailed Emergency Management Plan.

Daylesford Speedway is required to submit a general report following each meet and they will provide a report Council on the incident shortly.

Council is indemnified by the DSDA against property damage, personal injury or death arising from accidents at the Speedway. Council continues to work with the Speedway around ongoing lease compliance.

The DSDA was contacted for comment but did not reply to inquiries.