The Daylesford Speedway is set to reopen in August after being closed for 15 months after a tragic accident in February 2023.
A coroners report into the death of Stephen Douglas during a Speedway event has not made any adverse findings against the Daylesford Speedway Drivers Association (DSDA) or Hepburn Shire Council.
The accident in February 2023 occurred after 7:00 pm. The conditions of the speedway lease specify that racing must finish by 6:00 pm. Council has issued a breach of licence notice for operations outside of the lease curfew and will require evidence of insurances, permits, accreditations and an approved annual events program in line with their lease before any events can proceed.
The Coroner has not recommended any specific works that need to be undertaken to improve safety of the venue.
However, in December last year, the DSDA petitioned the state government to provide funds to make the Daylesford Speedway safe. Although the government has not provided any funds, a spokesperson for the DSDA stated in a social media post that they will be holding working bees to construct a concrete wall.
Bruce Lucas, the Shire’s Director Infrastructure and Delivery, said that “Council is not aware of any proposed works. However any works will require approval from Council and DEECA prior to commencing.”
The DSDA proposes to run practise sessions in August and September in preparation for a return to racing in October.
A spokesperson for the DSDA said, “While we understand this will be a sore point for some people and organisations, it will be a joy for plenty of others, especially our loyal members and supporters.”
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