DNC and U3A – Recognising a Shared History

The Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre (DNC) is responsive to the current and future needs of the Daylesford district and surrounding community. It encourages community development, support, environmental sustainability, training and education, in a collaborative and complementary way.

Most recently, in pursuing these aims, DNC has welcomed the University of the Third Age (U3A) to occupy the old historic Court Room as a permanent meeting and activity base.  This relationship is a return to a long association between the two bodies.

U3A Hepburn was established in 2000 when about 20 people attended an information session called by the manager of the Daylesford Neighbourhood House as the Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre was then known. Liking what they heard about U3A, a public meeting was held at the Town Hall and with around 100 people attending, the decision to form a local U3A branch in Daylesford, was sealed.

U3A is an international movement whose aims are to provide both mental and physical stimulation for people primarily in the third age of their life, that is either retired or no longer working full time. The Hepburn branch is overseen by a committee of management and activities are facilitated by members who become tutors or convenors who are willing to share their knowledge and skills with others.

Their activities (for this semester  32 different sessions are currently on offer) are varied and provide members with opportunities to form social connections whilst engaging in something they have always enjoyed or challenging themselves to try something new. From stretch and meditation to bushwalking, painting to languages classes, current affairs discussion to group singing and much more in between, their wide-ranging activities rely on the generosity of members to facilitate and on available space to accommodate them. Some are weekly ongoing classes; some short courses and others are single session workshops. They range from some strong favourites that last the distance and others that fill a need in a given point time.

Over the past 22 years the Hepburn U3A branch has grown to a current membership of 235 and has always previously operated without a home base or an office. Their new home in the Courtroom at DNC will be one of many venues they use. They look forward to growing their indoor activities in their new digs and to strengthening their partnership with the Daylesford  Neighbourhood Centre.

The Hepburn U3A branch are looking forward to their 2022 Annual General Meeting in their new accommodation on 8 November 2022. Their guest speaker will be Elaine Pearson from Human Rights Watch.

New U3A members are always welcome and more information can be found on their website https://u3ahepburnshire.com/ . Specific enquiries can be forwarded to info@U3Ahepburnshire.com .


Free child restraint check/fitting. Monday 10 October 2022. Book at https://safeseatssafekids.com.au/ .

Get Techy Workshop. Thursday 27 October 2.00-3.30pm. Learn how to download, set-up and use emergency-related apps in times of emergency. Book at admin@dncentre.org.au

Free Community Afternoon Tea. Wednesday 12 October 2022. Book at www.trybooking.com/CDALE



A teacher is observing her classroom of young children in art class. She moves around to see their work. She gets to one little girl who is concentrating hard on her work, and asks “What are you drawing Cheryl?”

Cheryl says “I’m drawing God.”

The teacher says, “But no one knows what God looks like.”

Without looking up from her drawing, Cheryl replies “They will in a minute.”