Wonderful community spirit and generosity towards the future of the Daylesford Hospital was acknowledged this week at the Annual General Meeting of Central Highlands Rural Health (CHRH). Members of the Daylesford Hospital Upgrade Appeal (DHUA) Committee were formally thanked by the CHRH Board for their efforts to help raise funds for the development of the Masterplan. More than $100 000 was raised in eight weeks after very generous donations from community members.
“The importance of the hospital to our community and surrounds is evident from the wonderful support and concern locals have shown to safeguard our hospital’s future”, said Lesley Hewitt, Chair of the DHUA Committee.
Masterplan development for a staged hospital upgrade has commenced, which will provide a vital layout to guide the future growth of the site. Completion is expected in February 2022. Input to this process is underway, with a public meeting recently held to identify proposals to meet the future health needs of the community.
“The Masterplan will also provide State Government with clarity about the level of investment needed to ensure Daylesford and its surrounds receive the first class local health care we deserve, and are not left behind”, Ms Hewitt said.
“The Committee has met with both state members whose electorates cover the hospital catchment – Mary Anne Thomas (Macedon) and Louise Staley (Ripon), and both have acknowledged the importance of the hospital to the community. We have also received strong support for the project from local Federal member, Catherine King MP. We will continue highlighting the importance of this issue in the forthcoming election year, and encourage everyone to get behind this important cause.”
An opportunity to contribute community ideas for consideration in the Masterplan is still available until 12 December, details as per below:
FILL IN A SURVEY online or get a copy from the hospital reception (13 Hospital Street, Daylesford, engagement@chrh.org.au, telephone: (03) 5321 6555