If you want to know what Council will try to achieve for the community in the next year, the Annual Plan is a good place to start.

At this week’s meeting, the Annual Plan was formally adopted.

Mayor, Cr Tim Drylie said, that the Annual Plan is based on key projects identified in the Budget 2022-2023 and includes priorities identified in the adopted Community Vision 2021-2031 Council Plan 2021-2025 which includes the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.

Amongst other things, the plan says Council will put in place:

  • more electric vehicle stations
  • a multipurpose community facility including a library and customer services in Trentham
  • the Trailhead at Hammon Park in Creswick
  • the pavilion and change facilities in Trentham
  • a Bullarto Station Tourist precinct
  • a refurbishment of Creswick Town Hall
  • works in the Wombat Hill botanical Gardens

There are also a number of reviews, plans, strategies and advocacy actions, but nothing is listed to improve services and community infrastructure for Daylesford and Hepburn Springs to replace the abandoned Rex Community Hub.

Progress on the Annual plan will be regularly reported throughout the year and published on Council’s website at https://www.hepburn.vic.gov.au/files/assets/public/council/documents/annual-plans/annual-plan-2022-2023.pdf