Contact details:
Brian Hood
Mob: 0411 139 004
I am pleased to announce that I am seeking re-election to represent you as your local, independent councillor on Hepburn Shire.
When I stood for election in 2020, I undertook to do three things:
- To secure a better deal for the smaller population centres of the Shire with regard to Council investment.
- To make myself available and represent your interests professionally and respectfully and to act as your local voice.
- To keep you informed and to be honest and accountable to you, the ratepayer.
As your councillor for the past four years I have been integral in ensuring support for important local projects:
- Design and construction of The Mechanics Trentham
- Construction of new facilities at the Trentham sportsground and Quarry St. Reserve
- Repair of the Trentham tennis courts • Creation of a temporary off-leash dog park
- Faithful restoration of the Bullarto rail station
- Secured funding for significant improvements to Lyonville community hall
- Construction of new footpaths and drainage in Cosmo, High and Victoria Streets
- Secured funding for outdoor fitness equipment at Trentham sportsground.
As your Mayor for the past two years I have met, listened to and interacted with many diverse groups across the Shire, enabling me to appreciate the Shire’s needs and how I can best advocate for you, in order to achieve positive outcomes for our community. I have also established effective working relationships with our local federal and state MPs and many others. As your ward councillor I supported the Trentham community following the devastation of the June 2021 storm and as Mayor I provided compassionate, strong leadership in the aftermath of the November 2023 Daylesford tragedy.
If re-elected I will continue to listen, work hard and deliver for our community.
Now I need your help.
Hepburn Shire Council is facing significant, well-documented challenges – especially its financial outlook – and that will take thoughtful and strategic decision making to repair. I have an extensive career background in finance, have worked as a CFO and senior executive, and have always been honest and transparent with ratepayers about the issues we face.
It is more important than ever to have trustworthy, intelligent, independent and reliable councillors in place who can grasp the challenges and make the necessary strategic and financial decisions for the benefit of the whole Shire.