Daylesford Show President, Don Harvey, and Secretary, Rosemary McLean, presented the sash at a whole school assembly last Friday morning. The Show Society also presented a cash prize of $50 to the winning school.
The large display, approximately 2 metres by 4 metres created by grades 3 and 4 students with their art teacher, Karinda Van Gulick. The central mural in muted blues, purples and mauves was painted in the traditional dot style of central Australia for a display at the Daylesford Museum during Reconciliation week. Students started the work as part of their inquiry units about Indigenous Australians.
The display was considered by the Junior Art judge to be outstanding, as were a number of excellent smaller individual works on the adjoining panel. The judge also commended the work of Daylesford Community Kindergarten , Daylesford Primary and Hepburn Primary School.
“We look forward to seeing even bigger and better displays in the Tom Ford Pavilion next year,” said Show President, Don Harvey. “And a special thank you to all the pupils who helped in producing that display.”