St Michael’s Primary School won the Best Display by an Educational Institution at the Daylesford Agricultural Show for an Aboriginal art-themed display. Show President, Don Harvey, presented the prize sash at a School assembly earlier this week.

Daylesford Show President, Don Harvey, and Secretary, Rosemary McLean present the first prize sash to St. Michael’s students at a school assembly. (Photo supplied)

Daylesford Show President, Don Harvey, and Secretary, Rosemary McLean, presented the sash  at a whole school assembly last Friday morning. The Show Society also presented a cash prize of $50 to the winning school.

The large display, approximately 2 metres by 4 metres created  by grades 3 and 4 students with their art teacher, Karinda Van Gulick. The central mural in muted blues, purples and mauves was painted in the traditional dot style of central Australia for a display at the Daylesford Museum during Reconciliation week. Students started the work as part of their inquiry units about Indigenous Australians.


(Photo: Lisa Gervasoni)

The display was considered by the Junior Art judge to be outstanding, as were a number of excellent smaller individual works on the adjoining panel.  The judge also commended the work of Daylesford Community Kindergarten , Daylesford Primary and Hepburn Primary School.

“We look forward to seeing even bigger and better displays in the Tom Ford Pavilion next year,” said Show President, Don Harvey. “And a special thank you to all the pupils who helped in producing that display.”