The 148th annual Daylesford and District Agricultural Show was held at the Daylesford Showgrounds Victoria Park Daylesford last Saturday. It was a beautiful sunny day and the rain held off until the evening after the Show was finished. Despite record rainfalls, much of the park was in beautiful condition.
Over 40 Victorian Agricultural Shows were cancelled this year because of flooding and there was some call to cancel the Daylesford Show as well. “But the Show Committee agreed to press on and hold a abridged Show,” said Society President Don Harvey.
The three-day equestrian event usually run as part of the Show was cancelled because of danger to horses and riders. The Sheep, Goat and Poultry sections were cancelled because the ground was too soft to manage the heavy truck which would have been used for transport. The area of Victoria Park usually used for the dog show was badly damaged by the Antiques and Collectables show held in appalling weather the previous weekend.
The Photography and Homecrafts sections went ahead in the football clubrooms and the Table Tennis Centre once again became “The Hall of Flowers” organised by the Daylesford and District Horticultural Society. The Tom Ford pavilion was the centre for activities for children of all ages. This year, a new stage area was set up to showcase local young musicians. The Victorian Showmen’s Guild sent a big contingent of rides, slides , carnival food and amusement tents and a number of local food vans were also present..
The much loved Daylesford and District Community Brass Band played a long set outside the Pavilion and the local CWA branch were in fine spirit in front of their homecraft exhibits. The Daylesford Rotary sausage sizzle did very well.
“It is very difficult to know exactly how well we went just yet and we missed the income from the horses and the animal exhibits,” said Don, “but generous sponsorship from the Victorian Government, Hepburn Shire and the Community Bank and our other sponsors was very helpful. We did well enough to ensure that we have the Show back on its feet after the disastrous COVID years.
The Show Society expressed their thanks to Agriculture Victoria, Belle Property Daylesford, Community Bank Daylesford District, Hygge Property, Rijk Zwaan Australia, Hepburn Shire Council, Catherine King MP, ColesDaylesford, Daylesford and District Horticultural Society, Daylesford Community Op Shop, Daylesford Hotel, Daylesford Veterinary Practice, Map Sport, Mary-Anne Thomas MP, Sailors Falls Estate, Sandy Farm Wines, Sarah K Design, That Bargain Place Daylesford. The Local and Victorian Agricultural Shows Inc.