Watch this space next week for news about the installation of some wonderful, new disability-compliant doors at the DNC Court House. We’ve waited a long time, but the final provision of these doors will make a great difference for access to the Neighbourhood Centre.
Coming in The Wombat Post NEXT WEEK!
In our 5-week course, participants will learn to use the Australian Sign Language of the Australian Deaf Community (AUSLAN).
They will learn basic signs and communication strategies for simple conversations. Each week will focus on finger spelling, hand shapes and practising AUSLAN communications.
Our tutor Irene has extensive experience teaching AUSLAN. AUSLAN is fun, enjoyable, and anyone can learn!
Classes begin on Wednesday 13 July from 3.00-4.00 pm. Cost: $150; Concession $120.
DNC Joke of the Week
Jim, the interstate truck-driver, is eating his lunch in a highway restaurant when three bikers walk up to him. They make fun of him, saying he looked too old to drive big trucks. One of them stubs his cigarette into the truck driver’s food. Another spits in the truck driver’s milk. The last one smashes the truck driver’s food onto the ground.
Jim gets up and leaves.
“Not much of a man, was he?” one of the bikers says to the waitress.
“Not much of a truck driver either” she says. “He just backed his truck over three motorcycles”
[If you’ve got a better joke, (and doesn’t everyone??) send it to admin@dncentre.org.au and we’ll publish it. (Remember, this is a family publication! ?). We’ll even include your name if you wish – or you can protect your anonymity!]