Petrus Spronk has been writing for the local community in its various local papers for a quarter of a century. His 25th anniversary column is published in this issue of The Wombat Post.
He started with a letter to the Advocate about the Daylesford Art Show put on in the then Pantechnicon gallery in Vincent Street in 1998.
Then Advocate editor liked it enough that Petrus became a regular columnist. With the decline of The Advocate he now writes a monthly column for The Wombat Post – 45 and counting. He writes about art, life and local issues, often with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
Apart from his column, Petrus is probably best known for his finely burnished black ceramic bowls influenced by the work of the native Americans – an insight from wandering the world when he was a young man. But he has many strings to his bow.
He has written books, presented many exhibitions and produced public sculptures. And he is still actively exhibiting his art, most recently at Australian Galleries in Collingwood. He has an ongoing interest in architecture and art, an interest that led him to making sand sculptures and ultimately resulted in one of Melbourne’s most famous art works, the Architectural Fragment. The piece, rising from the footpath in Swanston Street in front of the State Library.
His work is highly respected and appreciated locally, nationally and internationally. The Architectural Digest includes Architectural Fragment as one of the Most Fascinating Sculptures in the World.
Petrus is much loved by his many friends, supporters and fans in Daylesford and in the wider world.
We are very pleased he continues to produce his monthly column for the Wombat Post. We hope you are too.
The Wombat Post Editorial Committee